A Friendly Reminder For New Dieters

Over 45 Million Americans start a diet every year. 95% of those dieters will quit within only 2 weeks of their diet.
Over 30% of those dieters are women, ages range from 18-65.
According to a study done by the Global Obesity Prevention Center women with a waist measurement above 35 inches is more likely to develop heart disease or type 2 diabetes.
Being overweight can come with many problems, like finding clothes that fit, chaffing, heavy breathing, depression & self-esteem issues.
Over the past year data from the National Center for Health Statistics has shown that obesity levels in women 20 and over have risen from 25.5% to 40.7%.
This trend is growing at an alarming rate and the consequences can be very serious in the long run for many overweight women.
Millions of American women are simply too busy to exercise due to raising a family, going to school, or working long hours.
Although exercise is very important in weight loss, your diet is what will be the difference-maker.
Eating healthy is one of the hardest things to do for people, especially when you aren’t used to eating that way.
38% of women admit to overeating due to stress, anxiety & depression. 
It only takes 1 binge eating episode to ruin 2 months' worth of dieting.
Controlling your emotions can be an overlooked factor when it comes to losing weight.
Your emotions can keep you healthy and they can also destroy you.
The strongest food cravings often appear when you are under stress and pressure. 
These emotions can cause you to overeat greasy & fatty foods.
In order to prevent overeating and binge eating, you must be able to identify your emotional triggers.
These triggers can vary from:
  • • Relationship problems
  • • Work stress
  • • Fatigue
  • • Financial problems
  • • Health problems
Finding out what your triggers are will help you notice when your body starts to crave junk food.

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